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Zur Übersicht

Was versteht man unter: Festphasen Zytometer

Dieses Festphasenzytometer bietet innerhalb von 2 Stunden den direkten Nachweis einzelner lebensfähiger mikrobiologischen Zellen in filtrierbaren Produkten.

Combining extreme sensitivity and speed, this revolutionary system generates results of extreme accuracy using a solid phase cytometry method. Designed for the microbiological control of filterable products, the ScanRDI® apparatus can be used in a large variety of applications :

  • troubleshooting
  • bioburden,
  • sterility testing and
  • environmental control

Ideal for both in-process and final testing, this cutting-edge technique delivers reliable results within only 90 minutes, detecting all viable organisms such as bacteria, bacteria spores, yeast, molds and mold spores. With its advanced sensibility, the ScanRDI® apparatus can detect down to only one living cell per sample.

Anbieter von Festphasen Zytometer

bioMérieux (Suisse) SA

bioMérieux (Suisse) SA

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